Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 07/04/2019

When the Buddha approaches a brahmin council in session, they complain that he is out of order.So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Sakyans, where they have a town named Khomadussa. Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, entered Khomadussa for alms. Now at that time the brahmins and householders of Khomadussa were gathered in the council hall for some business, while a gentle rain drizzled down. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 07/03/2019

A brahmin believes that by bathing he can wash away his sins. But the Buddha speaks of the Dhamma as a lake for true purification.At Sāvatthī. Now at that time there was a brahmin named Saṅgārava staying in Sāvatthī. He practiced purification by water, believing in purification by water. He lived committed to the practice of immersing himself in water at dawn and dusk. Then Venerable Ānanda robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, entered Sāvatthī for alms. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 07/02/2019

The Buddha explains that a true mendicant is one who has gone beyond evil.At Sāvatthī. Then a begging brahmin went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha, “Master Gotama, both you and I are beggars. What, then, is the difference between us?” “You don’t become a beggar just by begging from others. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 07/01/2019

A brahmin wonders whether the legitimate seeking of alms is a proper way to support his parents.At Sāvatthī. Then a brahmin who provided for his mother went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha, “Master Gotama, I seek alms by legitimate means, which I use to provide for my mother and father. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/30/2019

Some brahmin students are collecting firewood when they see the Buddha in meditation. They return and inform their teacher, who visits the Buddha to ask him how he is so peaceful in the wild forest.At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Kosalans in a certain forest grove. Then several youths, students of one of the Bhāradvāja brahmins, approached a forest grove while collecting firewood. They saw the Buddha sitting down cross-legged at the root of a certain sal tree, with his body straight, and mindfulness established right there. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/29/2019

A brahmin is enjoying his work in the woods. Seeing the Buddha in meditation, he wonders what sort of work the Buddha enjoys.At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Kosalans in a certain forest grove. Now at that time the brahmin Bhāradvāja the Builder was doing some building work in that jungle thicket. He saw the Buddha sitting down cross-legged at the root of a certain sal tree, with his body straight, and mindfulness established right there. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/28/2019

A brahmin who loves to contradict everyone approaches the Buddha thinking to challenge him. But when he hears the Buddha speak, he cannot find anything to contradict.At Sāvatthī. Now at that time a brahmin named Contraphile, who loved contradiction, was residing in Sāvatthī. Then Contraphile thought, “Why don’t I go to the ascetic Gotama and contradict everything he says?” At that time the Buddha was walking meditation in the open air. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/27/2019

A stuck-up brahmin listening to the Buddha teach is awestruck when the Buddha appears to read his mind. To the surprise of the crowd, he bows and kisses the Buddha’s feet. The Buddha tells him to take his seat, and they exchange verses on the topic of conceit.At Sāvatthī. Now at that time a brahmin named Stuck-Up was residing in Sāvatthī. He didn’t bow to his mother or father, his teacher, or his oldest brother. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/26/2019

A brahmin is shabby clothes has been kicked out of his home by ungrateful sons. The Buddha gives him a verse to recite in the village council, comparing his faithless sons to his trusty wooden staff. Ashamed, the sons take back their father, bathe and dress him.At Sāvatthī. Then a certain well-to-do brahmin, shabby, wearing a shabby cloak, went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 06/25/2019

The Buddha is ill and sends his attendant monk Upavāṇa to fetch some hot water. A brahmin gives him not just water, but also molasses to ease his stomach. Later the brahmin visits the Buddha to discuss generosity.At Sāvatthī. Now at that time the Buddha was afflicted by winds. Venerable Upavāṇa was his carer. Then the Buddha said to Upavāṇa, “Please, Upavāṇa, find some hot water for me.” “Yes, sir,” replied Upavāṇa. [Read More]