Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 04/04/2020

Pot Balls “Just now, reverend, as I was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain I saw a man with testicles as big as pots flying through the air. When he was walking he had to lift his testicles on to his shoulder. And when he sat down, he sat right on them. Vultures, crows, and hawks kept chasing him, pecking, plucking, and hacking as he screamed in pain. …” … “That being used to be a corrupt official right here in Rājagaha. [Read More]

Your Daily Digital Buddhist Devotion for 04/03/2020

Needle Hairs (2nd) “Just now, reverend, as I was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain I saw a man whose body hairs were needles flying through the air. The needles bored into his head and out his mouth, into his mouth and out his chest, into his chest and out his belly, into his belly and out his thighs, into his thighs and out his calves, and into his calves and out his feet. [Read More]